Home>SAE standards list>SAE J1962:2016 pdf free

SAE J1962:2016 pdf free

SAE J1962:2016 pdf free.Diagnostic Connector
If the vehicle connector type A is used, the connector shall be located in the driver’s side foot-well region of the vehicle interior, no higher than the bottom of the point where the steering column exits the instrument panel when at the lowest adjustable position. For left hand drive vehicles, the entire connector profile shall be located to the left of the left edge (+y direction) of the brake pedal (or clutch pedal, if equipped). The vehicle connector shall be securely mounted to the vehicle in order to facilitate mating and un-mating.
The connector shall be mounted such that the face of the vehicle connector is pointing downward (90° from horizontal, the – z direction) or toward the rear of the vehicle (0° from horizontal, the -X direction), or any angle in between. See Figure 2 below. Tolerance:土5°
The connector may be mounted vertically or horizontally, as shown in Figure 2, but may not be oriented in any other angles.Additionally, the orientation of the connector must follow the drawing in Figure 2. For vertically mounted connectors, the long side must be to the left (+y direction). For horizontally mounted connectors, the long side must be on top (or rearward if the connector is pointing down). Tolerance
If the vehicle connector type B is used, the connector shall be located in the passenger or driver’s compartment in the area bounded by the driver’s end of the instrument panel, including the outer side, and an imagined line 750 mm beyond the vehicle centerline. It shall be attached to the instrument panel and easy to access from the driver’s seat or from the Co-driver’s seat or from the outside. The vehicle connector shall be mounted to facilitate mating and un-mating.
Access to the vehicle connector shall not require a tool for the removal of a connector cover, or any barriers. The vehicle connector shall be fastened and located so as to permit a one-handed/blind insertion of the mating external test equipment connector. If a cover (id) is used, it has to fulfill the following requirements.SAE J1962 pdf free download.

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