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SAE J3045:2018 pdf free

SAE J3045:2018 pdf free.Truck and Bus Lane Departure Warning Systems Test Procedure and Minimum Performance Requirements
Differential RTK (Real Time Kinematic) GPS Method. A differential RTK GPS including a base station providing an accuracy of up to 2 cm (0.787 inch.) can be used. This method surveys the location of the lane markings before the start of the test. RTK GPS can provide the position of the wheels within 2 cm (0.787 inch.) accuracy. This method requires extra instrumentation (RTK base and rover stations) and calibration effort (survey of the lane markers).
Video overlayed with CAN outputs method. An external camera can be mounted and configured so that the wheel position with reference to lane marking can be determined, and data (video and CAN) recorded simultaneously.When the video is synchronized with the CAN outputs, playing back the data file can show when the warning occurred. The tire width can be used as reference to estimate the position of the outer wheel edge when the warning happens.
External video with microphone to capture warning sound from the cab. An external camera can be mounted and configured so that the wheel position with reference to lane marking can be determined. The audio input for video is recorded from inside the cab to capture the warning sound. The tire width can be used as reference to estimate the position of the outer wheel edge when the warning happens.
Drift outside the left side lane marker at a rate of departure between 0.1 m/s (0.33 ft/s) and 0.6 m/s (1.97 ft/s) according to the conditions shown in Table 2 for speed, turn signal status and lane marking types. Return back to the center of the lane before doing the next departure. The cab yaw rate during the period between the time when the vehicle passes through the start point to the point of lane departure warning issuance should not exceed 1.0 degree/s.SAE J3045 pdf free download.

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