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SAE J2995:2017 pdf free

SAE J2995:2017 pdf free.Strength and Durability Testing for Automotive Hydraulic Brake Components
This RP has an accompanying electronic appendix with the tabular presentation as a spreadsheet of different test procedures by type and by component.
NOTE 1: The different test procedures and standards indicated on the electronic appendix are the ones available to the task force at the time of developing this RP. Performance test procedures are included only for the sake of completeness, but they are considered beyond the scope of this document.
NOTE2: It is the ultimate responsibility of the test requestor or the manager(s) of the testing program to assess the adequacy and applicability of the different test methods and standards indicated in the electronic appendix.
NOTE 3: The project manager(s) is also responsible for determining the appropriate test plan, test conditions, deviations from procedures, and acceptance criteria to reflect the requirements for the testing program in coordination with the testing facility and the customer when applicable.
NOTE 4: Fatigue of electronics or electric components (sensors, modules, controls, connectors, etc.) are not covered in this RP. Such components have significantly different requirements, duty cycles, failure modes, and statistical evaluations.
Regardless of their design, all calipers can be tested in service load tests. The stresses of the service brake and possibly existing integrated parking brake are thereby mixed randomly. For calipers manufactured from light metal materials, additional thermal and corrosive stresses must be considered.
In the case of a brake caliper made from cast iron materials, the simplified single-stage test can be used. Thermal and corrosive stress can be omitted. In the case of an integrated parking brake assembly, use the same assemblies (test samples) to carry out the single-stage test of the service brake, and to perform the endurance test of the parking brake.
The parallel endurance testing can be used for all materials. Components that are loaded by service brake and parking brake, must be subjected to the combination of these load collectives in a separate component test. Thermal and corrosive stresses must be considered for the relevant components from light metal materials. Do not use the single stage test to proof the strength for these components.SAE J2995 pdf download.

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