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SAE J1804:2016 pdf free

SAE J1804:2016 pdf free.Corrosion Preventive Compound, Topside Vehicle Corrosion Protection
Within 15 min of removal from the exposure test, the test panel shall be air blown along the entire scribe line and any other points of indicated failure with a nozzle held lightly against and approximately 45 deg to the surface. The air supply shall be capable of obtaining an open line pressure of 550 kPa (80 psi) through a nozzle with a 3.0 mm (0.12 in) orifice. The length of hose between the nozzle and the air regulator shall be less than 3 m (10 ft) and it is recommended that the inside diameter of the hose shall be between 6 mm and 10 mm (0.25 in and 0.375 in).
To evaluate the creepback, the distance between the unaffected coating on each side of the scribe line shall be measured to the nearest mm in several places. Each value shall be divided by two and then a mean value calculated. The number of measurements shall be dependent on the uniformity of corrosion creepback. A minimum rating of 8 shall constitute a pass using the following rating scale:
A wet film, meeting the manufacturer’s or supplier’s recommended application thickness,shall be sprayed-applied uniformly onto the entire outside face of the sides and bottom of an empty cylindrical, tin-plated 0.946 L (1 qt) paint can. The film shall not exceed a dry film thickness of 0.15 mm (0.006 in). The coated test piece shall be conditioned for 2 h at a temperature of 25。C±(77°F±5). At the end of this period, a 6.3 mm (0.25 in) layer of the test compound shall be poured into the bottom of the 3.785 L (1 gal) can and the 3.785 L (1 gal) can cover tightly affixed with the coated 0.946 L (1 qt) can test piece suspended inside the 3.785 L (1 gal) can. The entire test assembly shall be placed in an oven stabilized at 121 °C±3 (250 °F±5). After 15 min residence time in the oven maintained at 121 °C±3 (250 °F±5), the test assembly shall be removed from the oven and allowed to cool at room temperature for 15 min. The cover shall be removed from the 3.785 L (1 gal) can and the test piece withdrawn and inspected.SAE J1804 pdf free.

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