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SAE J350:2020 pdf free

SAE J350:2020 pdf free.Spark Arrester Test Procedure for Medium Size Engines
TEST EQUIPMENT – The test unit consists of a blower with air directed through the metering instruments, a carbon injector, the test spark arrester, a trap for collecting particles, and a method of measuring the gas flow through the spark arrester. The apparatus shall permit mounting of arresters in all positions in which they may be used and shall discharge into the positive trap in a manner similar to that shown in Figure B1.
CARBON INJECTOR – The test carbon shall be injected by a feeder mechanism that does not crush or grind the carbon or affect the normal flow of air through the apparatus. It shall be located approximately as shown in Figure B1.
DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE – The test equipment shall include a piezometer ring, probe, or other method for monitoring pressure at the inlet of the arrester. If a piezometer ring is used, it shall be as specified in SAE J726. The differential pressure shall be measured between the piezometer ring or probe and the pressure tap on the discharge side of the arrester or in the side of the positive trap chamber. Figure B1.
A piezometer ring or probe calibration run shall be made over the anticipated airflow range, with no spark arrester in place. The indicated pressure recorded shall be plotted and the resulting calibration curve shall be used to correct data recorded during subsequent tests. At each test point, the flow rate through the arrester shall be held constant during the carbon feed cycle.
Engine Test – When the spark arrester is to be tested on an engine, the equipment used shall be similar to those described in 3.1. Facilities for loading the engine shall be provided. The engine exhaust shall be used in place of the blower air supply. The measurement of gas exhaust flow is not required. Gas temperature shall be that normally produced by the engine after stabilization under conditions given in 4.2.4.SAE J350 pdf free download.

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