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SAE J2031:2020 pdf free

SAE J2031:2020 pdf free.High-Tension lgnition Cable
The average overall diameter of finished cable shall be 5 mm, 7 mm, or 8 mm. Other sizes are acceptable and dimensional control for these will be as agreed on by manufacturer and customer. Allowable tolerance for either size shall be ±0.3 mm.The average overall diameter shall be determined by taking the average of five sets of measurements along a 1 m length of finished cable. Each set of measurements shall consist of the determination of the maximum and minimum diameter at the point of measurement.
When tested according to the methods outlined, the ignition cables covered by this document shall be capable of complying with the applicable requirements specified herein. Test methods and requirements for cable constructions other than those specified previously will be as agreed on by manufacturer and customer. Figure 1 defines the applicability of the test and provides specific performance criteria.
NOTE: Wherever the term“room temperature” is used, it shall be defined as 23 °C ± 5 °C.
NOTE: Wherever the term “full draft, circulating-air oven” is used, the air shall be completely exchanged at least eight times per hour, but no more than 20 times per hour.
When agreed upon by the manufacturer and customer, an AC spark test shall be performed on 100% of production of each ignition wire to which it is applicable (see Figure 1). Apparatus shall consist of a voltage source, electrode, voltmeter,fault-current device or system, and the necessary electrical connections. The recommended apparatus and test method shall be that described in UL 1581, Section 900. Test potential shall be 25 kV for 5 mm, 25 kV for 7 mm cable, and 30 kV for 7 mm high energy or 8 mm cable.
NOTE: This test is not a qualification test but an in-process test carried out under production conditions. Alternate methods for this test may be considered provided that insulation faults are detected with the same degree of certainty.SAE J2031 pdf free download.

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