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SAE J342:2020 pdf free

SAE J342:2020 pdf free.Spark Arrester Test Procedure for Large Size Engines
COLD TEST一The apparatus shall consist of a suitable blower, air plenum, airflow metering instruments, spark arrester carbon injector device, and a positive trap for collecting the particles. Figure 1 depicts a multi-inlet device. A similar apparatus may be used to test single inlet devices. The apparatus shall be operated to its maximum flow rating as defined in 3.5.1 and determined from Tables 1 and 2 to determine its capability. If the apparatus cannot attain the desired flow level, the data is acceptable, but additional tests at any required higher flows must be obtained on appropriate equipment such as on the actual engine application.
COLD TEST一The arrester shall be checked for effectiveness and back pressure at not less than five points between 30 and 100% of the rated flow of the arrester. Rated flow is defined as the calculated flow range for the maximum engine size application as determined per Tables 1 and 2 or stated by the engine manufacturer. Note that maximum engine size application will be limited by maximum allowable back pressure requirements. One point shall be at 100% of rated flow, the remaining points shall be approximately evenly spaced relative to flow with the lowest point at approximately 30% of rated flow.
HOT TEST一The arrester shall be checked for effectiveness and back pressure at all numbered throttle positions. Where eight or more numbered throttle positions are involved, alternating carbon size (fine and coarse) may be used in lieu of testing each throttle position with both carbon sizes. Low effectiveness at any setting with one carbon size warrants further test with the other carbon size.
Data一For each test point (flow and carbon size), obtain the following data:
a. Weight of carbon injected, gram, to an accuracy of0.1 g
b. Weight of carbon retained in the trap, gram, to an accuracy of0.1 g
NOTE一Contents of stack trap should be sieved lightly on No. 30 (600 um) USA Standard Sieve before calculating effectiveness. Test carbon particles reduced in size so they will pass a No.30 (600 μm) USA Standard Sieve are considered to be destroyed and, therefore, are discarded.SAE J342 pdf free download.

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