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SAE J997:2020 pdf free

SAE J997:2020 pdf free.Spark Arrester Test Carbon
Carbon Size -Experience has shown that commercial suppliers cannot consistently supply carbon that meets this document. For this reason, it is suggested that the user perform the final sieving of the carbon to obtain samples for test use. The following commercially available “rough-screened” carbon sieve analyses have proven to be satisfactory for final crushing and screening:
Coarse Carbon- A quantity of rough-screened material may be sieved through a system of U.S. Standard Sieves 8 (2.36 mm), 12 (1.70 mm), and 16 (1.18 mm) (or their equivalent). Material retained on the No. 12 (1.70 mm) and No.16 (1.18 mm) sieves is combined in the proportions specified under 3.2.1.
Fine Carbon – A quantity of rough-screened material may be sieved through a system of U.S. Standard Sieves 16 (1.18 mm), 20 (850 um), and 30 (600 μm) (or their equivalent). Material retained on the No. 20 and No.30 (600 μm) sieve is combined in the proportions specified under 3.2.2.
Shaking- -If a motorized vibrator shaker is used, material should be shaken in small quantities for approximately 10 min. If hand shaken, a longer shake period should be observed to assure that size segregation is complete.
Alternate Hardness Determination Method- One alternate method, which has been used to determine hardness, utilizes a cyclonic separator. This is acceptable if it provides equivalent hardness, +2%, to the method described in 4.2.
Used Carbon- Current practice forbids the use of carbon more than once, though this requirement is not contained in this document. Used carbon may be reused provided it is rescreened and meets all the requirements of this document, and in addition, at least three replicate tests are made using new and used carbon with spark arresters with the same flow rating, +10%. The results of these replicate tests shall yield identical spark arrester effectiveness, +5%, or the used carbon shall be rejected. Used carbon may be mixed with new carbon in a proportion up to one-third, without replicate testing, provided that the mixture meets all of the requirements of this document.
Reference Materials- -Refer to SAE J335, J342, and J350 for spark arrester test techniques. The standard screens used are described in ASTM E 11.SAE J997 pdf free download.

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