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SAE J2847-6:2020 pdf free

SAE J2847-6:2020 pdf free.Communication for Wireless Power Transfer Between Light-Duty Plug-in Electric Vehicles and Wireless EV Charging Stations
A software application part of a Ground Assembly (GA) wireless charging subsystem capable of translating proprietary inductive charging control information into a common set of protocol-based messages for the Vehicle Assembly (VA) subsystem in order to control wireless power transfer as specified in this standard.
A request-response protocol that forms the foundation for data communication for the World Wide Web, defining how messages are formatted and transmitted and what actions web servers and browsers should take in response to various commands.
A set of rules and technical format for addressing and routing packets of data (called datagrams) between computers on the same network or across a series of interconnected networks. IP addresses are assigned to every computer, printer,switch, router, or other device part of a TCP/IP-based network. IP is a connectionless protocol offering no guarantee of packet delivery, sequencing, or error detection and correction.
TCP is connection-oriented protocol that allows two hosts to establish a virtual connection and exchange streams of data.Because IP is a connectionless protocol, most networks combine IP with transmission control protocol (TCP) in order to guarantee delivery of data and that packets arrive at their intended destination in the same order they were sent.
UDP is a simple open systems interconnection (OSI) transport layer protocol used for client-server network applications to send short messages called datagrams. Known as a “stateless” protocol, it does not guarantee datagram delivery, nor does it employ handshaking dialogs for reliabilit, ordering, and data integrity.
The GA is the WPT subsystem responsible for transmitting energy wirelessly to a vehicle-mounted VA, which receives the energy and uses it to charge the vehicle battery. According to SAE J2954, the GA and VA must also share a Wi-Fi communication system allowing the GA to know the state of the VA, and for the GA to receive messages from the VA regarding frequency, power, and current requirements among other critical information needed to initialize and efficiently transfer power between the two subsystems.SAE J2847-6 pdf free download.

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