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SAE J2788:2020 pdf free

SAE J2788:2020 pdf free.(R) HFC-134a (R-134a) Recovery/Recycle/Recharging Equipment for Mobile Air-Conditioning Systems
The equipment shall be capable of continuous operation in ambient temperatures of 10 to 50 °C (50 to 120 °F).Continuous is defined as completing recovery/recycle and recharge (if applicable) operations with no more than a brief reset period between vehicles and shall not include time delays for allowing a system to outgas (which shall be part of the recovery period provided by this standard). Continuous may include time out for an air purge if necessary,although it is understood that extended equipment-off time is preferred to allow NCG and refrigerant separation in the supply tank for optimum results.
The equipment shall be capable of removing a minimum of 95% of the refrigerant from the test system in 30 minutes or less, without external heating, or use of any device (such as shields, reflectors, special lights, etc.) which could heat components of the system. The recovery procedures shall be based on 21 to 24°C (70 to 75 °F) ambient temperature. The test system for qualifying shall be a 1.4 kg (3 pounds) capacity orifice tube/accumulator system in a 2005 to 2009 Chevrolet Suburban with front and rear A/C, or the test option described in 10.5 and shall be determined by accurately weighing the recovery machine with the resolution and accuracy of within 2.3 g (0.005 pound) in the range of the machine ‘s weight. The laboratory shall maintain records of the vehicle, including its VIN (vehicle identification number).
The preceding shall not preclude a brief period of engine/AC operation at fast idle (up to 15 minutes, up to 2000 rpm) to circulate refrigerant and oil, and provide some engine and A/C warm-up. The laboratory shall monitor coolant temperature per the vehicle engine coolant temperature sensor, and coolant temperature shall not be allowed to exceed 105 °C (221 °F). The time required shall not be included in the total time of 30 minutes set forth in 7.1.1.SAE J2788 pdf free download.

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