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SAE AMS 5834E:2019 pdf free

SAE AMS 5834E:2019 pdf free.Cobalt Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Round Wire
Wire shall be solution heat treated by heating to 2150 °F± 25 °F (1177 °C±14 °C), holding at heat for a time commensurate with nominal diameter, and cooling as required. After cold drawing, the wire shall be aged by heating to a temperature within the range 900 to 1000 °F (482 to 538 °C), holding at the selected temperature within +25°F (±14 °C) for 5 to 5-1/2 hours,and cooling to room temperature at a rate equivalent to air cool. Pyrometry shall be in accordance with AMS2750.
Process parameters (e.g., furnace temperature set points, heat input, travel rate, etc.) for continuous heat treating lines shall be established by the material producer and validated by testing of product to the other requirements of this specification.
The producer of wire shall supply all samples for producer’s tests and shall be responsible for the performance of all required tests. Purchaser reserves the right to sample and to perform any confirmatory testing deemed necessary to ensure that the wire conforms to specified requirements.
The producer of wire shall furnish with each shipment a report showing the producer’s name and the country where the metal was melted (e.g., final melt in the case of metal processed by multiple melting operations) and the results of tests for composition of each heat and for tensile properties and hardness of each lot, and stating that the product conforms to the other technical requirements. This report shall include the purchase order number, heat and lot numbers, AMS5834E, size,and quantity.
When material produced to this specification has exceptions authorized by purchaser taken to the technical requirements listed in Section 3 (see 5.2.1), the report shall contain a statement“This material is certified as AMS5834E(EXC) because of the following exceptions:” and the specific exceptions shall be listed.
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