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SAE J1469:2019 pdf free

SAE J1469:2019 pdf free.Air Brake Actuator Test Procedure, Truck-Tractor, Bus, and Trailers
Gradually release all air pressure from the parking chamber and record the parking chamber force versus stroke from zero to full stroke in the brake application direction (stroke extend) in 0 to 5.0 mm (0 to 0.20 inch) increments.If an X-Y recorder is used, plot a force versus stroke curve. Force outputs shall be measured at the end of the service chamber pushrod when activated by the parking chamber from zero to full stroke.
Close the drain valve, open the inlet valve, and pressurize the fluid reservoir to 690 kPa±35 kPa (100 lbf/in2± 5 Ibf/in2) (gage). Allow the actuator rod to move to the zero stroke position. After 30 seconds, close the inlet valve,open the drain valve, and measure the amount of fluid expelled when the actuator pushrod returns to its test position (rated, full, or another specified stroke). Record the distance from the reference point on the actuator pushrod to the fixed point of the actuator used in The recorded distance measured minus the recorded distance measured in for zero stroke position is the actuator test stroke.
Close the drain valve, open the inlet valve, and pressurize the fluid reservoir with 690 to 860 kPa (100 to 125 Ibf/in2) (gage). After the actuator pushrod has moved to the required test stroke position, close the inlet valve,open the drain valve, and return the chamber to its zero stroke position. Repeat this procedure several times to insure adequate bleeding.
Close the drain valve, open the inlet valve, and pressurize the fluid reservoir to 690 kPa±35 kPa (100 lbf/in2±5 lbf/in2) (gage). Allow the actuator pushrod to move to its test stroke position (rated, full, or another specified stroke). When at this test stroke position, measure the distance from the reference point on the actuator pushrod to the fixed point of the actuator used in This recorded distance measured minus the recorded distance measured in 12.1 .2.2 for zero stroke position is the service chamber test stroke. After 30 seconds of the pushrod in its test stroke position, close the inlet valve, open the drain valve, and measure the amount of fluid expelled when the actuator pushrod returns to its zero stroke position.SAE J1469 pdf free download.

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