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SAE J2696:2019 pdf free

SAE J2696:2019 pdf free.Inboard Mounted Disc Brake Rotor/Disc Wheel Hub Interface Dimensions – Commercial Vehicles
This document uses the practice of defining hub and rotor mounting systems. Components of different mounting systems, but with common bolt patterns, could be mis-assembled and cause service problems. Therefore, it is important to note that each mounting system should be treated individually and their components not be intermixed. It should also be noted that images shown are typical of the various hub and rotor systems. However,other variants may exist.
U-section rotors are identified by their distinct cross section. Both the axial inboard and outboard end of the rotor have larger outer diameters than the center section.
Hat-section rotors are identified by the location of their attachment interface surfaces. One or both of the mounting faces and the face which comes in contact with the fastening mechanism are axially located outside the braking surfaces. The entire mounting flange has a maximum diameter which is smaller than the inside diameter of the braking surfaces.
Flat-section rotors are identified by the location of their attachment interface surfaces. Both the mounting face and the face which comes in contact with the fastening mechanism are axially located between the braking surfaces. The entire mounting flange has a maximum diameter which is smaller than the inside diameter of the braking surfaces. At the time of publication, there is no data available in North America that conforms to this description.
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