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SAE J2881:2019 pdf free

SAE J2881:2019 pdf free.Measurement of Aerodynamic Performance for Mass-Produced Cars and Light-Duty Trucks
The vehicle shall be tested at the manufacturer’ s intended nominal attitude with full fluids and fuel, and with passenger loading according to the chart provided in Appendix B, Attachment 1, or with 70 kg in each of the two front seats, or corresponding to loading according to the appropriate Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Engineering Test Weight (ETW). The loading used shall be documented on the Vehicle Information Sheet. The vehicle shall not be tested at a lower attitude resulting from the inclusion of build tolerances, etc. If the intended nominal attitude is not known, the vehicle may be loaded as above and tested at the resulting attitude. The vehicle’s test attitude shall be documented by measuring the height from the wind tunnel floor to the edge of the wheel opening arch above each wheel centerline. It will also be recorded whether the vehicle attitude is fixed by the tunnel apparatus during the test or whether the vehicle chassis is able to float vertically under aerodynamic loading.
The intent of this Recommended Practice is to promote uniformity and traceability of published aerodynamic performance data. To that end, the vehicle being tested shall in general represent a nominal variation of the model rather than extremes which will not be produced or which may be produced in small numbers.
Special optional content packages (e.g., “sport package”) may be submitted, provided that the nature and detail of the content are specified on the form. Absent such a specific disclosure, however, the vehicle tested shall contain the optional content nominally corresponding to the highest sales volume anticipated for that model. Prior to the test, a good faith effort shall be made to determine optional content corresponding to the highest sales volume.
The Vehicle Information Sheet (Appendix B) contains entries to indicate the presence of some common options that influence aerodynamic performance. In addition to these items, indicate in the space provided all other optional content on the vehicle that may influence aerodynamic performance.SAE J2881 pdf free download.

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