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SAE J745:2019 pdf free

SAE J745:2019 pdf free.Hydraulic Power Pump Test Procedure
Add a rapid shutoff valve (such as a direct solenoid operated valve) in series with the manual restrictor valve and connect a pressure transducer in the pump outlet line so that instantaneous pressure can be recorded against time on an oscilloscope (or oscillograph). (See circuit drawing in Figure A7.)
Condition circuit such that pressure rise rate is between 690000 kPa/s and 2060000 kPa/s (100000 psi/s and 300000 psi/s) when shutoff valve is closed. Use 1380000 kPa/s (200000 psi/s) as the target pressure rise rate.
With pump running at rated speed, deadhead pressure set at rated pressure, relief valve set to limit maximum steady-state pressure to no less than 125% of deadhead pressure setting, and shutoff valve open, adjust manual restrictor valve to maintain 75% of deadhead pressure.
a. Close shutoff valve while recording instantaneous pressure against time. From this recording, determine the rate of pressure rise in kPa/s or psi/s, overshoot in kPa or psi, and pressure compensator response and settling times in milliseconds (see Figure A4).
b. Open shutoff valve while recording instantaneous pressure against time. From this recording, determine the rate of pressure drop in kPa/s or psi/s and pressure compensator recovery time in milliseconds (see Figure A4).
With manual restrictor valve fully open and flow control valve set at full flow, record delivery versus speed as shaft speed is varied from minimum to maximum rated rpm and back to minimum. Repeat procedure with flow control valve set at 75%,50%,and 25% of maximum flow. Present data in a format similar to that shown in the plot on Worksheet 3 (Figure A3).
Adjust manual restrictor valve fully open and operate pump at rated speed. With a differential pressure transducer installed between the pump outlet and pump sensing ports, record margin pressure as the flow is varied from zero to maximum via the flow control valve in at least four steps. Alternatively, install two individual pressure transducers and calculate the margin pressure at each condition. Present the data in the form of a table listing margin pressure for each flow or as a continuous plot of margin pressure versus flow.SAE J745 pdf free download.

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