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SAE ARP 6336:2019 pdf free

SAE ARP 6336:2019 pdf free.Lighting Applications for Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Recreational use of airspace by model aircraft is covered by FAA Advisory Circular 91-57, which generally limits operations for hobby and recreation to below 400 feet, away from airports and air traffic, and within sight of the operator.In June 2014, the FAA published a Federal Register notice on its interpretation of the statutory special rules for model aircraft in the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012. The law is clear that the FAA may take enforcement action against model aircraft operators who operate their aircraft in a manner that endangers the safety of the National Airspace System. In the notice, the FAA explains that this enforcement authority is designed to protect users of the airspace as well as people and property on the ground.
In addition to classifying the UA system above, there are four user classifications:
1. Military Users: This user class includes the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Reserve and National Guard units, and the Coast Guard.
2. Public Users: This user class includes governments and government agencies at federal, state, and local levels. For example, it includes the Departments of Homeland Security, Justice, Interior, Transportation, FAA, FBI, and others at the federal level. State police and militias are in this class, as are local law enforcement agencies. Environmental, public health, and other government services at all levels are in the class of public users.
3. Commercial Users: This user class includes all companies or business partnerships operating UAS or causing them to be operated in the course of their business. Non-profit corporations are also included in this class.
4. Private and Recreational Users: This class of users includes all individuals or groups of citizens operating UAS for recreation, competition, or any other private endeavor.
Due to the size of these UASs, they represent a safety concern to manned aircraft, and the effects of some daylight conditions can make them difficult to control and maintain line of sight. Lighting on the Group 1, and smaller Group 2, vehicles should be achieved to the extent practicable for meeting overall safety and performance. At a minimum, a white anti-collision light located in the upper hemisphere for the unlikely occurrence of adjacent manned vehicles to observe is the best place to start. Additional ilumination on the bottom as surface area and SWAP trade-offs allow. This will aid in pilot and ground spotter tracking of the vehicle or recovery if the vehicle is downed.SAE ARP 6336 pdf free download.

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