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SAE AS 4088E:2018 pdf free

SAE AS 4088E:2018 pdf free.Aerospace Rod Scraper Gland Design Standard
The gland details in this specification provide more axial space than the MS33675 gland widths and use dimensions that are essentially the same as zero backup width (Types Ao and Bo) and one backup width (Types A1 and B1) grooves per AS4716 (see 3.2 for detail description). This is in order to enable more efficient, more stable, and more reliable scrapers to be provided.
The atmospheric side of the Type Ao and Type A1 glands are designed to provide sufficient retention for scrapers while allowing clearance to avoid contaminants becoming trapped. This is referred to elsewhere in this document as“Full Depth Sidewall Gland” with the l.D.denoted as“0T1″. Type Ao and Type A1 glands may be of split construction (see Figure 1) to facilitate the installation of the scraper particularly for smaller sizes (consult the scraper manufacturer for advice on the gland design).
Mechanical spring energized scrapers (MSE scrapers) may be installed in Type B glands of zero backup width (Type Bo) or one backup width (Type B1). Type B glands are known as“click-it” glands and elsewhere in this document are referred to as“Reduced Depth Sidewall Gland” and have a height from the groove diameter denoted as “L”. Generally, MSE scrapers can be installed in glands to Figure 2, but it may not be possible for some of the smaller sizes (consult the MSE scraper manufacturer for advice). In this case, a Type A split gland construction per Figure 1 should be used. In this case the reduced depth sidewall gland is not permissible.
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