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SAE J3138:2018 pdf free

SAE J3138:2018 pdf free.Diagnostic Link Connector Security
Service repair procedures may require allowing intrusive functionality when the vehicle is no longer in a safe state. Vehicle Manufacturers should be aware that any set of conditions under which a repair can be validated, even under controlled circumstances, could have an adverse effect and should be weighed carefully.
Service repair procedures must also adhere to applicable regulations and agreements regarding serviceability.
Any diagnostic services not required during the phase of the vehicle lifecycle in which the customer owns or operates the vehicle (e.g., those services intended for use during development or manufacturing only) should be removed, permanently disabled, or protected by effective and appropriate security controls before the vehicle is made available to the customer.
It is not recommended at this time to advance any future network designs which do not utilize some form of Gateway. This is due to the fact that without proper isolation of the CAN bus it is nearly impossible to detect bus intrusions such as signal injection/spoofing during the signal validation operation given here. It is recommended that new vehicle networks should include designs which utilize some form of Gateway to perform the tasks listed in the General Recommendations section of this document. However, it is acknowledged that some low-cost implementations may choose to continue without utilizing a gateway. Therefore, each individual ECU shall be capable of performing the tasks defined in the General Recommendations section of this document.
Depending on the design of the Gateway in these applications, it may be necessary for each application to define the validation methods required for both the gateway and individual ECU for determining safe state and mitigation technique.Therefore, the Vehicle Manufacturer shall define how this division shall be implemented based on the General Recommendations section of this document.SAE J3138 pdf free download.

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