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SAE J2911:2017 pdf free

SAE J2911:2017 pdf free.Procedure for Certification that Requirements for Mobile Air Conditioning System Components
The group of random selection units shall have been assembled on the manufacturer’s serial production assembly line using only serial production components. The manufacturer shall not select or recommend a specific unit for test certification, and the independent testing laboratory representative’s selected unit shall be secured with tamper-evident packaging which ensures it is not modified prior to testing to the standard.
Any product which falls under an agency test program which includes fully documenting the product construction as originally tested and a quarterly manufacturing facility assembly line inspection by the test agency to assure that there has been no deviation in construction, shall not be subject to random selection testing. The product can only be marked as compliant and marketed upon written notification of compliance to the applicable J Standard by the test agency. Any requested changes to the product must be submitted to the test agency and cannot be implemented or marketed without agency approval, including required retesting at the agencies discretion.
In the case of any unit that fails testing to a standard and requires retest, the manufacturer shall document changes made to correct the failure. Following serial production implementation of the corrective action, a random sample unit from the serial production warehouse stock shall be selected by the independent testing facility for certification. It shall be packaged in a secured manner with tamper-evident wrapping and taken to be tested and to assess compliance with the appropriate SAE J standard requirements. All documentation shall be submitted to SAE International for public posting in the official SAE database, including the model and serial number of the unit certified, before compliance labeling of the can begin. This shall be done for each type and model of equipment being submitted for compliance listing.SAE J2911 pdf free download.

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