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SAE AMS 2482E:2017 pdf free

SAE AMS 2482E:2017 pdf free.Hard Anodic Coating on Aluminum Alloys
Tight electrical contact shall be maintained during the anodic treatment to prevent contact arcing (burning) of parts, but small irregularities of coating at points of electrical contact are acceptable. When not otherwise specified by the purchaser, the location of electrical contact points shall be as follows. For parts which are to be coated all over, locations shall be acceptable to purchaser. For parts which are not to be coated all over, locations shall be in areas on which coating is not required.
The coated specimens ( shall meet the following requirements determined after exposure for not less than 336 hours to salt spray test in accordance with ASTM B117, except that the significant surface shall be inclined approximately 6 degrees from vertical. The five test panels shall show not more than a total of 15 isolated pits, none larger than 1/32 inch (0.8 mm) in diameter, in a total of 150 sq inches (968 cm2) of test area. Individual test specimens, after salt-spray testing, shall show no more than five isolated pits, none larger then 1/32 inch (0.8 mm) in diameter, in a total of 30 square inches (194 cm2) of test area. See 8.2.1. Areas within 1/16 inch (1.6 mm) of identification markings and electrical contact marks shall not be included.
The coated specimens ( shall have a maximum wear index of 4.0 mg/1000 cycles on aluminum alloys having a nominal copper content of two percent or higher and a maximum wear index of 2.0 mg/1000 cycles for all other alloys,determined as follows: two test specimens weighed to the nearest milligram shall be tested in accordance with ASTM D4060, using CS-17 wheels with a 1000-gram load for 10 000 cycles. After abrading, the specimens shall be weighed to the nearest milligram to determine weight loss. The wear index is determined at the end of 10 000 cycles by dividing the weight loss by ten. Specimens may be placed in a desiccator prior to and following testing to establish constant weight in lieu of conditioning specified in ASTM D4060. The abrasive wheels shall be resurfaced prior to the start of any individual test, and at least once every 10 000 cycles.SAE AMS 2482E pdf free download.

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