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SAE AMS 2750F:2020 pdf free

SAE AMS 2750F:2020 pdf free.(R) Pyrometry
For qualified work zone volumes greater than 225 ft3 or 6.4 m3, the additional TUS sensors required by Table 21 shall be uniformly distributed to best represent the qualified work zone. One TUS sensor shall be located at the approximate center of the qualified work zone volume. When radiant heat from the periphery of the qualified work zone is used to heat the parts or raw material, the additional TUS sensors shall be uniformly distributed at the periphery of the qualified work zone. Once locations are established during the initial TUS, the same locations must be used during periodic TUSs.
Data collection shall begin when the temperature of all TUS and furnace sensors are no less than 100 °F or 55°C below each survey temperature so that any TuS or furnace sensor failing to reach the lower TUS tolerance or exceed the upper TUS tolerance can be detected. For test temperatures of 200 °F or 93 °C and below, data collection shall begin at the ambient temperature of the furnace or refrigeration equipment prior to the start of heating (or cooling for refrigeration equipment). If the furnace or refrigeration equipment is pre-stabilized, data collection shall begin prior to the TUS sensors being inserted.
Once data collection begins, temperature data shall be recorded from all TUS sensors at a frequency of at least one set of readings every 2 minutes for the duration of the TUS.
Temperature data from control, and recording sensors required by the applicable instrumentation type, Table 12,shall also be recorded by the process recorder during the TUS. Load sensors used in addition to the identified instrumentation type during production are not required to be recorded during the TUS (e.g., if a type D instrumentation furnace occasionally uses a load sensor, a load sensor is not required during the TUS), but those recording systems shall require instrument calibration and an SAT.
Regardless of the frequency of temperature data collection of control, and recording sensors used during production the temperature data shall be documented in the normal format used during production throughout the TUS.SAE AMS 2750F pdf free download.

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