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SAE AMS 27595E:2018 pdf free

SAE AMS 27595E:2018 pdf free.Heat Treatment Martensitic Corrosion- Resistant Steel Parts
Preheating, in the 1200 to 1500 °F (649 to 816 °C) range, is recommended before heating parts above 1500 °F (816 °C), if the parts have previously been heat treated to a hardness greater than 35 HRC, have abrupt changes of section thickness,have sharp re-entrant angles, have finished machined surfaces, have been welded, have been cold formed or straightened,have holes, or have sharp or only slightly rounded notches or corners.
Start of soak shall be in accordance with AMS2759. Soak times for annealing and hardening are shown in Table 4. Parts that are copper plated or coated with reflective coatings which tend to reflect radiant heat shall have the soak time increased by at least 50% when processing at setpoints above 1200 °F (649。C), unless load thermocouples are used.
Shall be accomplished by heating to the temperature shown in Table 2, soaking for the time shown in Table 4, and cooling to below the temperature shown in Table 2 at the rate shown in Table 2 followed by air cooling or equivalent to ambient temperature. lsothermal annealing treatments may be used providing equivalent hardness and microstructure are obtained.lsothermal annealing shall be accomplished by heating to the annealing temperature shown in Table 2, soaking for the time shown in Table 4, cooling to a temperature below the critical, holding for sufficient time to complete transformation, and air cooling or equivalent to ambient temperature.
Shall be accomplished by heating to the austenitizing temperature shown in Table 2, soaking for the time shown in Table 4,and quenching as shown in Table 2. The parts shall be cooled to or below the liquid quenchant temperature or to a temperature low enough to achieve complete transformation before tempering. Quench liquids shall be controlled and tested as specified in AMS2759. Vacuum quench media shall be controlled and tested as specified in AMS2769.SAE AMS 27595E pdf free download.

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