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SAE AMS 2770P:2019 pdf free

SAE AMS 2770P:2019 pdf free.Heat Treatment of Wrought Aluminum Alloy Parts
Refractometers may be calibrated against known refractive index standards. These standards can be created using carefully weighed amounts of sucrose in water. Alternatively, NIST traceable refractive index standards can be purchased (such as Brix or refractive index prisms). Three points (zero, midpoint and span of the refractometer) are required. Concentration of either AMS3025 Type 1 or Type 2 polyalkalene glycol (PAG) is determined by dividing the reading on the refractometer by the concentration of the same sample determined by viscosity. This multiplying factor is then applied to subsequent concentration determinations by refractometer. A new multiplication factor is determined at each concentration determination by viscosity in accordance with ASTM D445.
Salt content in polymer/water quenchants shall not exceed 6.0% by weight. Water/polymer quenchants used with salt bath furnaces shall be tested for salt content weekly. The method used shall be calibrated against solutions containing known amounts of both polymer and salt, and the procedure documented. Meters used to determine the salt concentration shall be calibrated every 90 days. Quench tanks which exceed 6.0% salt content shall not be used until the salt content has been reduced below 6% or the quenchant has been replaced.
Companies performing heat treatment in accordance with this specification shall have a verifiable program (either company-created or conforming to ARP1962) of initial and periodic training and evaluation of its personnel. The training program shall consist of one or more of the following: on-the-job training, classroom instruction, and academic instruction.
Except as specified by the purchasing documents, the processor shall be responsible for the performance of all tests and inspections specified herein. The procuring activity reserves the right to perform any surveillance or tests or inspections of parts, and to review heat treating records and results of processor’s tests and inspections to verify that heat treating conformed to the specified requirements.SAE AMS 2770P pdf free download.

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