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SAE AMS 5383F:2018 pdf free

SAE AMS 5383F:2018 pdf free.Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat- Resistant, Investment Castings
Sample casting(s) from new or reworked master patterns produced under the casting procedure of 4.4.2 shall be approved by purchaser before castings for production use are supplied, unless such approval be waived by purchaser.
For each casting part number, producer shall establish parameters for process control factors that will consistently produce castings and test specimens meeting the requirements of the casting drawing and this specification. These parameters shall constitute the approved casting procedure and shall be used for production of subsequent castings and test specimens. If necessary to make any change to these parameters, producer shall submit a statement of the proposed change for purchaser reapproval. When requested, producer shall also submit test specimens, sample castings, or both to purchaser for reapproval.
Production castings produced prior to receipt of purchaser’s approval shall be at producer’s risk.Control factors for producing castings and separately-cast specimens include, but are not limited to, the following factors. Supplier’s procedures shall identifty tolerances, ranges, and/or control limits, as applicable. Control factors for separately-cast specimens must generally represent, but need not be identical to, those factors used for castings (see 3.2.3 and 3.4.1)
If results of a valid test fail to meet the requirements, two additional specimens in accordance with 4.3 from the same master heat, modified melt (see 3.2.3), or lot, as applicable, shall be tested for each nonconforming characteristic. Results of each additional test, and the average of the results of all tests (original and retests), shall meet specified requirements; otherwise,the master heat or lot shall be rejected. Results of all tests shall be reported.
A test may be declared invalid if failure is due to specimen mispreparation, test equipment malfunction, improper test procedure, or the presence of random process defects such as inclusions or gas holes in a tensile or stress-rupture specimen.SAE AMS 5383F pdf free download.

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