Home>SAE standards list>SAE AMS 5833E:2019 pdf free

SAE AMS 5833E:2019 pdf free

SAE AMS 5833E:2019 pdf free.Cobalt Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Round Wire
Shall be made on polished and etched specimens. Specimens may be plated for edge retention prior to mounting. If plating is used, it shall be by a method that does not remove material from the surface of the specimen. Visual examination for white layer or case microstructure shall be performed at a minimum of 400X magnification. In case of dispute, the chord method, described in ARP1820, or equivalent, may be used to assess the surface features (e.g., white layer) of the case. If a part is used in lieu of a specimen, the surface should be sliced at an angle to magnify the surface by a factor of at least three.
When masking has not been used, a part or the process control specimen shall be tested to determine core hardness.When masking has been used, the masked control specimen(s) and 5% of each lot of nitrided parts shall be tested to determine core hardness. When the entire surface of parts has been nitrided, the control specimen shall be used for validation of the part hardness.
In addition to that required in AMS2759 the report shall show the results of tests for core hardness, microstructure, white layer, as-nitrided case depth and surface hardness, and state that nitriding conformed to the other specified requirements.When post-nitride stock removal is specified, the microindentation hardness traverse data (see shall be reported along with a statement that the reported effective case depth includes the amount to be removed.
If any specimen used in the above tests fails to meet the specified requirements, disposition of the heat treated parts may be based on the results of testing a production part. Except as permitted in 4.5.1, failure of any retest specimen or part to meet the specified requirements shall be cause for rejection of the parts represented. Results of all tests shall be reported.SAE AMS 5833E pdf free download.

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