Home>SAE standards list>SAE AMS 6511B:2018 pdf free

SAE AMS 6511B:2018 pdf free

SAE AMS 6511B:2018 pdf free.Steel, Maraging, Bars, Forgings, Tubing, and Rings
Visual examination of transverse full cross-sections from bars, billets, tube rounds (solid, not hollow), and stock for forging or flash welded rings, etched in hot hydrochloric acid in accordance with ASTM A604, shall show no pipe or cracks.Porosity, segregation, inclusions, and other imperfections shall be no worse than the macrographs of ASTM A604 shown in Table 2.
Unless otherwise specified, the strain rate shall be set at 0.005 in/in/min (0.005 mm/mm/min) and maintained within a tolerance of ±0.002 in/in/min (0.002 mm/mm/min) through 0.2% offset yield strain. After the yield strain, the speed of the testing machine shall be set between 0.05 and 0.5 in/in (0.5 mm/mm) of the length of the reduced section (or distance between the grips for specimens not having a reduced section) per minute.
Alternatively, an extensometer and strain rate indicator may be used to set the strain rate between 0.05 and 0.5 in/in/min (mm/mm/min).Shall be not lower than 42 HRC, or equivalent (see 8.2), but the product shall not be rejected on the basis of hardness if the tensile property requirements are acceptable, determined on specimens taken from the same sample as that with nonconforming hardness or from another sample with similar nonconforming hardness.
When a sample of stock is forged to a test coupon and heat treated as in 3.4 and 3.5.5, specimens taken from the heat treated coupon shall conform to the requirements of and If specimens taken from the stock after heat treatment as in 3.4 and 3.5.5 conform to the requirements of and, the tests shall be accepted as equivalent to tests of a forged coupon.
The producer of the product shall supply all samples for producer’s tests and shall be responsible for the performance of all required tests. Purchaser reserves the right to sample and to perform any confirmatory testing deemed necessary to ensure that the product conforms to specified requirements.SAE AMS 6511B pdf free download.

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