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SAE AMS 6532G:2018 pdf free

SAE AMS 6532G:2018 pdf free.Steel, Bars and Forgings
In accordance with ASTM A370. Unless otherwise specified, the strain rate shall be set at 0.005 in/in/min (0.005 mm/mm/min) and maintained within a tolerance of ±0.002 in/in/min (0.002 mm/mm/min) through 0.2% offset yield strain. After the yield strain, the speed of the testing machine shall be set between 0.05 and 0.5 in/in (mm/mm) of the length of the reduced section (or distance between the grips for specimens not having a reduced section) per minute.Alternatively, an extensometer and strain rate indicator may be used to set the strain rate between 0.05 and 0.5 in/in/min (mm/mm/min).
The producer of bars and forgings shall furnish with each shipment a report showing producer identity, country where the metal was melted (e.g., final melt in the case of metal processed by multiple melting operations), the results of tests for chemical composition, macrostructure, and micro-inclusion rating of each heat, and for tensile properties, hardness, fracture toughness and average grain size, including aging temperature, of each lot and stating that the product conforms to the other technical requirements. This report shall include the purchase order number, heat and lot numbers, AMS6532G, product form and size (and/or part number, if applicable) and quantity.
If forgings are supplied, the size and melt source of stock used to make the forgings shall also be included.Report the nominal metallurgically worked cross sectional size and the cut size, if different (see 3.3.1). The producer of forging stock shall furnish with each shipment a report showing producer identity, country where the metal was melted (e.g., final melt in the case of metal processed by multiple melting operations), results of tests for composition, macrostructure, micro-inclusion rating of each heat and the results of any additional property requirements imposed by 8.5. This report shall include the purchase order number, heat number, AMS6532G, size and quantity.
When material produced to this specification is beyond the sizes allowed in the scope or tables, or other exceptions authorized by purchaser are taken to the technical requirements listed in Section 3, the report shall contain a statement “This material is certified as AMS6532G(EXC) because of the following exceptions:” and the specific exceptions shall be listed (also see 5.2.1).SAE AMS 6532G pdf free download.

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