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SAE AMS 7882C:2020 pdf free

SAE AMS 7882C:2020 pdf free.Tungsten Carbide-Cobalt Chrome Powder Agglomerated and Sintered
The supplier of powder shall provide all samples for supplier’s tests and shall be responsible for the performance of all required tests. The cognizant engineering organization reserves the right to sample and to perform any confirmatory testing deemed necessary to ensure that the powder conforms to specified requirements.
Sampling and testing shall be in accordance with ASTM B215 or alternative in accordance with 4.3.1. Sufficient powder shall be taken from each lot to perform all required tests. The number of determinations for each requirement shall be as specified in the applicable test procedure or, if not specified therein, not less than three.
If the supplier makes a significant change to any ingredient, process, or control from that which was used for approval, all tests shall be performed and the results submitted to the cognizant engineering organization for reapproval. A significant change is one which, in the judgment of the cognizant engineering organization, could affect the properties or performance of the powder.
The supplier of a powder shall furnish with each shipment a report showing the results of tests for composition and particle size distribution of each lot and stating that the powder conforms to other technical requirements. The report shall include the purchase order number, lot number, AMS7882C, supplier’s product designation, quantity, and the details of any alternative sampling plan established in accordance with 4.3.1.
When material produced to this specification has authorized exceptions taken to the technical requirements listed in Section 3 (see 5.1.1), the report shall contain a statement“This material is certified as AMS7882C(EXC) because of the following exceptions:” and the specific exceptions shall be listed.
If any sample used in the above tests fails to meet the specified requirements, disposition of the powder may be based on the results of testing three additional samples for each original nonconforming sample. Failure of any retest sample to meet the specified requirements shall be cause for rejection of the powder represented. Results of all tests shall be reported.SAE AMS 7882C pdf free download.

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