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SAE AS 13004:2017 pdf free

SAE AS 13004:2017 pdf free.Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (PFMEA) and Control Plans
Potential effects of failure shall be ranked for severity in terms of their impact using a 1 to 10 number scale (see Appendix E). When multiple potential effects of failure are listed in the same line of the PFMEA, the highest severity shall be used as the severity ranking.
The severity ranking shall be assigned independently from the occurrence and the detection ranking. The severity ranking itself cannot be changed without a change to the product design or functionality. When the Severity ranking of a potential failure mode is 9 or 10, the failure mode and effect should be reviewed with the design authority, regardless of the resulting Risk Priority Number (RPN).
Example: If a critical weld is in an inaccessible location and cannot easily be inspected the risk may be reduced by the Design Authority moving the weld location to a more favorable position.
The potential cause shall be identified for each potential failure mode. One potential failure mode may have several different causes, each of which should be listed in separate PFMEA lines.
NOTE: To determine the need for control, the product and/or process characteristics that have an influence on the causes of failure should be explored. If the occurrence and detection ranking is high and/or if the failure is severe these product and/or process characteristics should be controlled.
Prevention and detection process controls shall be identified and documented when developing the PFMEA.
NOTE 1: Prevention controls are the recommended approach and have a high potential of reducing the occurrence of a failure. Prevention controls such as error proofing the process, equipment maintenance, visual aids, machine controls (e.g., machine monitoring of temperature levels) should be considered, but may not be applicable for every cause and/or failure mode. When not applicable, the prevention controls column on the worksheet can be left blank.
NOTE 2: Detection control may take place at the operation where the failure occurred or at subsequent operations.Detection controls that encourage automated error detection/prevention to drive the process away from reliance on manual methods are recommended (e.g., automatic gauging, removal and segregation of parts that are incorrect size).SAE AS 13004 pdf free download.

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