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SAE J1127:2020 pdf free

SAE J1127:2020 pdf free.Low Voltage Battery Cable
When a test is required, all combinations of conductor size, wall thickness, and insulation formulation shall meet the appropriate requirements. However, if testing a representative conductor size is permitted, compliance for a cable family may be demonstrated by testing examples of large and small conductor sizes only. Permission to show compliance for a cable family by testing representative conductor sizes will be established by agreement between customer and supplier.
1 This test is only required for coated copper wires.
2 Compliance for a cable family may be demonstrated by using representative conductor sizes for testing; see 4.5.
3 This test is only used as part of the resistance to hot water test.
4 The usage of this test will be established by agreement between customer and supplier.
5 All tests listed under periodic qualification shall be repeated within a frequency determined by agreement between the supplier and the customer.
This test is only applicable for crosslinkable and thermoset materials.The insulation shall be homogeneous and shall be placed concentrically within commercial tolerances about the conductor.The insulation shall adhere closely to, but strip readily from, the conductors leaving them in suitable condition for terminating.Separators are optional.
The outside cable diameter shall be measured at five separate cross sections spaced 50 mm apart with an optical device accurate to at least 0.01 mm. Other devices may be used; however, in case of dispute, the referee shall be the optical device. A minimum of two readings shall be taken at each cross section. The sample should be rotated 90 degrees between readings. The mean of the diameter readings shall determine the outside cable diameter and shall be in accordance with Table 4 for the various cable types. See Table A2 for cable dimensions.
The minimum wall thickness shall be measured at five separate cross sections spaced 400 mm apart using the equipment described in 5.3. No single value shall be less than the appropriate wall thickness minimum specified in Table 4.SAE J1127 pdf free download.

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