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SAE J1173:2019 pdf free

SAE J1173:2019 pdf free.Size Classification and Characteristics of Glass Beads for Peening
The glass bead classification number is the approximate nominal diameter of the glass spheres in that classification, in hundredths of a millimeter, with the prefix GB added. Glass beads used for peening shall be made from high,quality glass of the soda-lime type. They should be as resistant as poss1ble to breakage from shock-impact, or by abrasion during shipment and handling.
The particles should be substantially round, free-flowing, and free from chemical impurities or contaminants that might be detr imental to the workpiece .A representative sample of the shipment sha1l be selected for evaluation.
This can be accomplished by:
(a) Splitting the entire large quantity by repeated passes through the sample reducer (16:1/1:1) splitter as described in ASTM D271,or
(b) Randomly selecting a number of containers equal to the nearest integer of the cube root of the total number of containers 1n the entire1 arge quantity. Selected containers can then be reduced, as in (a) above, in order to obtain a representative sample. Other sampling techniques may be used if agreed upon between the supplier and vendor. Representative samples of the whole should result in 50 g test quantittes that can be sealed in properly labeled containers for the required tests.
Glass beads should be spherical to ell1ptical in shape. Minimum percentage of “true spheres” (aspect ratio 1.2:1 or less) must conform to Table 1. An actual count shall be made of a field of approx imately 100 beads using a microscope with 20X magnification and substage lighting or a mounted sample and projector .Scored, broken, or angular particles by count must conform to Table 1.
Method of testing for silicone coating shall be as follows; Slowly pour 50 g of the sample beads into a 250 mL beaker containing 200 mL of distilled water. A small number of beads floating on the water is acceptable,but no coagulation (which is an indication of silicone coating) is permitted.SAE J1173 pdf free download.

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