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SAE J1361:2020 pdf free

SAE J1361:2020 pdf free.Hot Plate Method for Evaluating Heat Resistance and Thermal Insulation Properties of Materials
Prior to starting the test, the following items must be defined by the individual requesting the test:
a. The time versus temperature program for the test. (It should usually simulate actual in-car use and conditions.) This program must detail the following: prescribed temperature, the dwell time at prescribed temperature condition and how often the temperatures will be recorded.
b. The specific type of material or composite build-up to be used
c. At what layers the temperature probes will be placed.
When all items as stated in Section 4 and 5.1 have been satisfactorily met, the actual test can be started by following the procedure listed in 5.2 through 5.8.
Set the sample on the hot plate; place the metal grating on top of the sample. Turn on the hot plate and set up the temperature controller to the prescribed dwell temperature of the test.
Position at least one temperature probe at the center of the hot plate. If more than one probe is being used, they should be spaced evenly around the surface of the hot plate. If needed, tape can be used to fix the probe to the surface of the hot plate, but should be at least 25 mm (1 in) from the tip of the probe.
Insert the probes between the layers of the various materials to achieve the required build. Care should be taken to ensure that the probes are approximately above each other.
When the test setup has been completed, initiate the time versus temperature program desired when the plate is reaching the prescribed temperature. (Several of these sequences can be run consecutively, when it is necessary,in order to accurately duplicate in-car conditions.)
During the test, all temperatures are to be monitored. It is suggested that each temperature be checked at least every 3 min and recorded during the course of the test, or as requested by the time versus temperature program prescribed.
During the test, observe any changes in the material under heat exposure. Observe signs of material degradation like, discoloration, loss of material integrity, melting or softening of the material. Multilayer composites may exhibit separation. Observe the presence of smoke, odor, smoldering.SAE J1361 pdf free download.

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