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SAE J1698-2:2018 pdf free

SAE J1698-2:2018 pdf free.Event Data Recorder – Retrieval Tool Protocol
All imaged data retrieved from an EDR record and stored by or via an EDR Retrieval Tool shall be both authenticated and encrypted according to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) SP 800-38C for Counter with cipher block chaining message authentication code (CCM) mode for authenitcation and encryption or equivalent public authentication and encryption standard.
In order to ensure that an EDR record can be consistently imaged by an EDR Retrieval Tool, the tool shall automatically image the EDR record at least 3 times and compare imaged records to ensure they are the same.
If the EDR records are not the same, the tool shall display a message to the user indicating an error and an explantation of the nature of the error. If an error is detected, the EDR Retrieval Tool shall not save or translate the EDR record.
The tool shall request data by such a way as to be as forensically neutral as possible. This practice recommends using diagnostic services, if supported by the ECU, that only request data without activating system diagnostics to suppress setting Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) during the imaging process upon initial powering of the ECU.
The SAE J1962 diagnostics connector shall be the designated interface to a vehicle for the purpose of EDR Record Retrieval. The tool shall accomodate different manufacturer’s use of discretionary pins on the SAE J1962 connector, the vehicle-specific pin assignments and unique properties of differing electrical architectures (see figure 1). For the purposes of On-Board EDR Record retrieval, it is assumed that the ECU is powered by the vehicle.
In order to retrieve an EDR Record Report directly from an ECU, the tool must be capable of supplying sufficient power to the ECU to enable EDR Record Retrieval. It is important to note that it is beyond the scope of this document to address all of the specific factors that must be taken into account in order to directly communicate with every ECU that may contain EDR records.SAE J1698-2 pdf free download.

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