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SAE J1703:2019 pdf free

SAE J1703:2019 pdf free.Motor Vehicle Brake Fluid
Immediately following the cooling period, remove the metal strips from the jars by use of forceps, removing loose adhering sediment by agitation of the metal strip assembly in the fluid in the jar. Rinse cups in ISO propanol or ethanol and air dry cups. Examine test strips and test jars for adhering crystalline deposit, disassemble the metal strips, removing adhering fluid by flushing with water, and clean individual strips by wiping with a cloth wetted with ISO propanol or ethanol. Examine the strips for evidence of corrosion and pitting. Place strips in a desiccator containing a desiccant maintained at 23 °C±5 °C (73.4°F±9 °F) for at least 1 hour.
After 1 hour in the desiccator, metal strips are weighed to the nearest 0.1 mg. Determine the difference in weight of each metal strip and divide the difference by the total surface area of the metal strip measured in square centimeters. Average the measured quantities of the duplicates. In the event of a marginal pass on inspection, or of a failure in only one of the duplicates, another set of duplicate test samples shall be run. Both repeat samples must meet all the requirements of 5.6. Immediately following the cooling period. remove the rubber specimens from the jars by use of a forceps, removing loose adhering sediment by agitation of the cup in the fluid in jar. Visually examine each cup for evidence of sloughing, blisters,and other forms of disintegration.
Examine the fluid in the jars for gelling. Measure the pH value of the corrosion test fluid by the procedure specified in procedure 5.4. Agitate the fluid in jars to suspend and uniformly disperse sediment and transfer a 100 mL portion of this fluid to an ASTM cone-shaped centrifuge tube and determine percent sediment as described in 8.2 of ASTM D91.SAE J1703 pdf free download.

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