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SAE J175:2020 pdf free

SAE J175:2020 pdf free.Wheels – Lateral Impact Test Procedure – Road Vehicles
With the test calibration adapter located at the mid-span of the beam, a mass of 1000 kg shall be applied to the center of the wheel mount, as shown in Figure 2. The deflection of the test fixture shall be 7.5 mm±0.75 mm when measured at the center of the beam, as shown in Figure 2.
As an alternative to the calibration procedure noted in Figure 2, rubber mounts can be calibrated in a traceable load versus deflection device. Load all four rubber mounts in parallel to 1000 kg with an added 70 kg to replicate the weight of the pedestal. Deflection criteria of 4.4.1 is applicable.
Friction in the slides can be compensated for by adjusting the drop height (ADH) until a velocity is measured that replicates 230 mm of free fall. A velocimeter and a light curtain are used in combination to measure the velocity of the drop mass just prior to striking the tire. The calibrator is to start at 230 mm and increment in 2 mm increases of drop height until the time it takes to go through a 25 mm light curtain is 12.31 ms +0.3/-0 ms. As an example: the ADH to be noted on the calibration certificate and sticker as ADH equal to 234 mm. All tests on specific machine to be dropped at the ADH until the next calibration. ADH to be displayed on calibration certificate and calibration sticker on the mass.
NOTE 1: Fractures in the area of the rim under the striker (including separation of the flange) does not constitute failure to meet the acceptance criteria.
NOTE 2: If it is suspected that one of the acceptance criteria is not met due to subsequent impacts caused by the mass rebounding or the mass resting on the tire, means should be employed to capture the mass after first impact.Only one impact is intended.
NOTE 3: Non-structural materials (e.g., claddings), additional styling, and aero elements will not be considered in evaluating acceptance.SAE J175 pdf free download.

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