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SAE J1798-1:2020 pdf free

SAE J1798-1:2020 pdf free.Recommended Practice for Performance Rating of Lead Acid and Nickel Metal Hydride Electric Vehicle Battery Modules
The number of test samples required to be subjected to each test condition for each test in this document will be determined by the vehicle manufacturer or other entity requesting tests. A single battery tested does not assure that any production quantity of modules will meet the tested values obtained. Reporting -1.28 standard deviation values from a statistical sample size of 23 modules will give assurance of 90% conformance, but it is not the intention to propose that any or all variations of the tests in this document be run on such a large sample size.
Testing shall be performed at a controlled ambient temperature of 25 °C土2 °C tolerance unless otherwise specified within this document. Measured module temperatures shall fall within this range at the start of discharge except for tests specifically required to be performed at other temperatures. This may require cooling to be applied to reduce the time between the end of a charge or discharge and the beginning of the next charge or discharge. If required, cooling shall be applied using the manufacturer’s recommended temperature control means, which shall specify the required coolant flow rates, heat transfer properties, etc. Designation of both the cooling method and soak time are to be reported as described in Appendix A. Actual test temperature, environmental, and ambient should be recorded as part of the test procedure.
A minimum of one ambient temperature measurement and one temperature measurement per module, insulated from ambient environment, is recommended. Different battery manufacturers may recommend specific locations for temperature sensing such as the center of the case side wall, one of the terminals, or the center of the end wall. As a default, use the center of the side wall. Placement in any of these locations should not affect the results as long as the device is not exposed to external conditions that may skew the readings. The terminal location on a module may require precautions to ensure there is no shock hazard. Designation of the temperature sensor location should be reported as described in Appendix A.SAE J1798-1 pdf free download.

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