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SAE J1987:2020 pdf free

SAE J1987:2020 pdf free.Force and Moment Test Method
Tire Face- -Outward side of a tire mounted on a vehicle according to the vehicle manufacturer’s specification or general practice. Currently in the United States, the tire face is usually the side without the serial number. Other examples commonly used to define the tire face are the side of the tire with the white sidewall or other decoration (e.g., large raised letters), or the side with the curb strip. In doubtful cases, the tire face selected should be marked and recorded as such.
Tire Axis System- Right-hand orthogonal system fixed in the road plane with the origin in the center-of-tire contact. The X’ and Y’ axes are located in the road plane and the Z’ axis is perpendicular to the road plane,with its positive direction into the road plane. The X’ axis is the line of intersection of the wheel plane with the road plane with its positive direction forward. The Y’ axis is perpendicular to the line of intersection of the wheel plane and the road plane, with its positive direction to the right when viewed in the positive X’ direction.(See Figure 1.)
Measuring System- The measuring system shall be capable of measuring these data for a free-rolling tire:Aligning moment, lateral force, longitudinal force, normal force, overturning moment, slip angle, inclination angle, and loaded radius. Individual load cell values shall be corrected for tare and interactions shall be corrected by a matrix method. Quoted ranges are advisory minimums.
LOAD CELL ACCURACY- The accuracy of any single measurement after the tare and interaction effects have been removed shall be 1% of full-scale range or better. This accuracy is a system accuracy and includes all system errors, such as alignments, computer data acquisition, and signal conditioning. Table 1 lists the typical measurement accuracy.
LOAD CELL MEASUREMENT RANGES- For the best precision, it is important to choose the lowest full-scale range that exceeds the largest measured datum value for each measurement channel. Listed in Table 1 are the typical full-scale ranges for force and moment measurement.SAE J1987 pdf free download.

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