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SAE J2202:2019 pdf free

SAE J2202:2019 pdf free.Heavy-Duty Wiring Systems for On-Highway Trucks
The testing shall validate the appropriate design and performance characteristics of the primary wiring distribution system,including the connector interfaces of mating devices, but not the mating device itself. Conformance to the requirements of this document shall be determined by subjecting each component to the test procedure listed in this document. Unless otherwise stated, the tests are to be performed at 25 °C±5 °C and at 12.5 VDC±0.1 VDC, or per the manufacturers’ recommendations. The tests shall be conducted as defined in the following test procedures. Minimum sample size to be six parts, unless otherwise specified by customer requirements.
NOTICE: Some test procedures are potentially dangerous. SAE Technical Reports do not purport to address all of the safety problems, if any, associated with their use. It is the responsibility of the user of an SAE Technical Report to establish and employ appropriate safety practices. Tests should only be conducted by individuals who have been properly trained in the test procedure and who are aware of any hazards which may be present. Appropriate safety and health precautions must be employed when conducting any test.
The mated and cabled connectors under test shall be mounted in its normal operating position with drain holes, if used,open.’ The test apparatus should be designed to provide 100% coverage of the exposed surface of the mated and cabled connectors using flat fan spray nozzles located 20 to 30 cm (7.9 to 11.8 inches) away. This apparatus should provide a source pressure of approximately 7000 kPa gauge (1020 lbf/in2 gauge) with a flow rate of approximately 9460 cm3/min (150 gal/h). The test item should be exposed to the spray for 3 seconds of a 6 second period for a total of 375 cycles. The test should be run at 40 °C (104 °F) with water/detergent. An insulation resistance test (4.1.10) shall be conducted after this test.SAE J2202 pdf free download.

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