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SAE J2360:2019 pdf free

SAE J2360:2019 pdf free.Automotive Gear Lubricants for Commercial and Military Use
When the qualification period has expired, each product must be re-qualified. If a product is submitted for requalification,and there has been no change in the standard requirements, the LRI Gear Lubricant Review Committee may, at its discretion, waive complete retesting or require only partial retesting of the product to determine its continued acceptability.Whenever there is a change in the base stock, refining treatment, or additives used in the formulation, requalification shall be required. When the proposed changes are minor and may not be expected to significantly affect performance, the LRI Gear Lubricant Review Committee may, at its discretion, waive complete requalification or may require only partial requalfication in order to determine the significance and acceptability of the proposed changes.
Qualification tests consist of tests for all of the requirements specified in Section 3. These tests have been correlated with field performance. New lubricant technology must have demonstrated correlation with field performance for these tests to apply. The Lubricant Review Institute Program Document (PD4000) outlines the requirements for field testing. Copies of these procedures may be obtained by contacting the secretary of the LRI at the Performance Review Institute (see Section 1). Once correlation has been demonstrated, only the tests specified herein will be required for further requalification.
Definite numerical values are not specified for certain of the chemical properties listed in Program Document (PD4000) – Gear Lubricant Review Program. Values of some properties vary from one commercial brand of oil to another for the same grade.’ These values are influenced by the source of the base stock, the identities and quantities of additives, etc. Definite numerical values are not always functionally important except, for some properties, within specified maximum and minimum limits. It is not possible (or necessary) to assign restrictive values in the standard before the testing of qualification samples.During qualification, test values will be determined which are characteristic of a particular product and which can serve thereafter as guidelines to identify the product. Using the results of qualification testing, the LRI Gear Lubricant Review Committee can set values, including permissible tolerances, for products sold under contract to the U.S. military.SAE J2360 pdf free download.

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