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SAE J2527:2017 pdf free

SAE J2527:2017 pdf free.Performance Based Standard for Accelerated Exposure of Automotive Exterior Materials Using a Controlled Irradiance Xenon-Arc Apparatus
To minimize variability, maintain and calibrate the apparatus to manufacturer’s specifications.
NOTE: Appendix B describes the optional use of a polystyrene weathering reference material to help evaluate if the xenon-arc apparatus is operating properly in terms of repeatability and reproducibility.
The water for spray and humidification or other purposes shall leave no objectionable deposits or stains on the exposed specimens. The water cannot have more than 1 ppm solids and it must have less than 0.2 ppm silica.
NOTE: Silica levels may be determined using ASTM procedures D859 or D4517. A combination of deionization and reverse osmosis treatment can effectively produce water with the desired purity. In certain cases some specimens could exude materials into the chamber that can promote deleterious effects on other specimens.
Fit the xenon-arc lamp with the appropriate optical filters to meet the intended spectral power distribution (SPD). The filters shall provide an SPD that falls within the respective ranges shown in Tables C1 or C2 in Appendix C. Refer to Figure C1 or C2 in Appendix C for representative spectral power distributions.
NOTE: Examples of the SPD of different filter and power intensity combinations are listed in Appendix C. CIE 85 in Figure C1 and Figure C2 is the reference for Daylight. The values listed in Tables C1 and C2 are an average of many readings from different apparatus. One reading from an apparatus may not exactly match the values that are listed in the tables.
Choose the program cycle which provides 120 minutes of light and 60 minutes of dark in the following cycle:60 minutes of dark with both back and front- spray, 40 minutes of light followed by 20 minutes of light and front specimen spray, followed by 60 minutes of light, and repeating. The test sequence shall follow the condition set up in Table 1.SAE J2527 pdf free download.

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