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SAE J2719:2020 pdf free

SAE J2719:2020 pdf free.Hydrogen Fuel Quality for Fuel Cell Vehicles
Development of this standard is based upon consideration of technical presentations given to, and discussions with, the IWG by industry, universities, and other organizations, such as NEDO/JARI, DOE national laboratories, CaFCP, U.S. Fuel Cell Council (USFCC), and ASTM International. The hydrogen quality specification resulting from consensus agreement between the various stakeholders is shown in ” Table 1. Particulate concentration should be minimized to avoid contamination, clogging, and erosion of fuel system components. The dispenser should have a filter that protects the vehicle from 99% of the particulates larger than 5 μm, as recommended in CSA HGV 4.1 or ISO 19880-1.
The limits in Table 1 were derived by consensus by national and academic laboratories whose work was sponsored by the Japanese government through NEDO and the U.S. government through DoE EERE. Appendix B gives guidance on the rationale for selecting the compounds listed in the table. Appendix C lists the papers that supplied the test data supporting the various limits.
The analytical methods listed in Table 1 are not intended for use as process control or field verification methods. They are intended for use as a resource in for the generation of process equipment calibration gases, field sampling methodology validation, and as a method for resolving third party disputes. It is expected that process control and field verification methodology will evolve under the leadership of the fuel providers and applicable federal and state agencies.
Some constituents are listed in terms of family of compounds associated with the total accepted threshold limit per family,as well as example constituents in the particular family. The list is not intended to be totally inclusive. Although there maye more (or less) speciation per each family, the data presented here reflect the current knowledge of constituents of concern.
The analytical methods and limits of detection contained in Table 1 are based on available ASTM Standards or upon ASTM Standards documented as under development. Although for many constituents the public analytic techniques satisfy the requirements for testing hydrogen fuel used in demonstration projects, hydrogen sold commercially is likely to require lower contaminant detection that has been validated for these methods. The limits for constituents in Table 1 are the same as the detection limits, in some cases. As a result, these constituents will require methods with detection limits validated one or more orders of magnitude below the listed limits.SAE J2719 pdf free download.

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