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SAE J2727:2020 pdf free

SAE J2727:2020 pdf free.(R) Mobile Air Conditioning System Refrigerant Emission Charts for R-134a, R-1234yf, and R-152a
It is assumed that properly designed and assembled O-ring fttings will have emission rates comparable to properly designed and assembled seal washers, hence the special consideration given to those O-ring fittings that have been verified as properly assembled via helium mass spectrometry. Given the above, SAE J2727 may overestimate O-ring ftting emissions not helium leak tested after assembly for those vehicle manufacturers capable of exceptionally reliable production AIC system O-ring assembly. This may be taken into consideration when interpreting the emission values calculated in the spreadsheet.
Service fttings are assumed to have sealing caps in place. Non-connection emissions are those that occur through the valve core assembly and, ultimately, through the service port valve cap seal. Assigned emission rates are based on the cap with seals properly assembled and torqued, and system location, i.e., high pressure or low pressure side of the system.Connection emissions from a service port must be accounted for if the service port requires a seal for attachment purposes (e.g., O-ring) and that seal must be included in the system joints section. Such a port is often referred to as a “two-piece” service port.
These devices may include different internal sealing technologies (e.g., O-rings, seal washers, diaphragms, and gaskets) Assigned values in the spreadsheet account for emissions from these internal seals and the location of the device in the system, i.e., high pressure or low pressure side of the system. Assigned values account for emissions exclusive of ftting connections. onnections/fittings used to install the device onto the system plumbing are to be accounted for in the system joints section.
These devices, e.g., thermal expansion valves, may include different internal sealing technologies (as noted in 3.3.2) that create non-joint emission paths. Assigned values account for these emissions, exclusive of fitting connections. All joints used to connect the refrigerant flow device to the system are to be included in the system joints section.
NOTE: Orifice tube flow devices mounted inside flexible hose assemblies or rigid pipes have zero emissions. Connection(s) to instal/service such devices are to be included in the system joints section. SAE J2727 pdf free download.

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