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SAE J2742:2020 pdf free

SAE J2742:2020 pdf free.Combination 11 Conductors and Two Pairs ECBS Cable
This test is only practical for use by manufacturers of the wire or cable. See 6.2.6 for an alternate test for use by those wishing to test conductors before installation or use in harness assemblies. Unless otherwise specified, all specimens shall be the entire length of wire conductors subjected to continuous spark testing with voltage set at 1500 VAC.
A transformer of sufficient capacity to maintain the test voltage specified in the detailed specification under all normal conditions of leakage current shall be used. The core of the transformer and one end of the secondary winding shall be connected to ground. A voltmeter shall be so located in the circuit that it will indicate at all times the actual test voltage applied. The spark tester shall not be simultaneously connected to more than one electrode.
An electrode which makes direct mechanical contact with the surface of the insulation of the wire or cable undergoing test shall be used. A pipe, coiled spring or the like shall not be acceptable. If the link bead-chain type of electrode is used, the bottom of the metal electrode enclosure shall be “V”-shaped. The chains shall have a length appreciably greater that the depth of the enclosure. The width of the trough shall be approximately 38 mm (1.5 inches) greater than the diameter of the largest wire or cable to be tested. If a bead-chain type of electrode is used, the beads shall have a diameter of 5 mm (3/16 inch). The longitudinal spacing of the chains shall not be more than 13 mm (1/2 inch). The transverse spacing of the chains shall not be more than 9.5 mm (3/8 inch), except that the spacing may be 13 mm (1/2 inch) if the transverse rows of chain are staggered. The electrode shall be provided with a grounded metallic screen or the equivalent as a guard against contact by personnel. The length of the electrode shall be sufficient to meet the requirements in J2742 pdf free download.

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