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SAE J2836-1:2019 pdf free

SAE J2836-1:2019 pdf free.Use Cases for Communication Between Plug-in Vehicles and the Utility Grid
PEV connects to the grid using an EVSE. EVSE is the physical electrical cord and connectors that are specified by applicable SAE standards (e.g., SAE J1772, SAE J2836, and SAE J2847) that provide transfer of electrical energy from energy portal to PEV. This can be 120 V or 240 V AC, depending upon connection. Two type of connection include: (1) EVSE cordset,and (2) Premise-mounted version. The premise EVSE would not include the charger for AC (Level 2) energy transfer described in SAE J1772. This would expect the charger to be included with the vehicle. If the EVSE included a charger, DC (Level 3) energy transfer is expected and the vehicle would not include the charger, since it was within the EVSE. This EVSE that includes the charger may also be capable of AC energy transfer at both 120 V (Level 1) and 240 V (Level 2) levels as described in SAE J1772.
ESCI shall report all PEV charging session information and energy usage to utility ESCI communicates with and exchanges information between utility, PEV, and EUMD. ESCI shall provide PEV charging session information to the utility; PEV ID,interval kW.hkW.h consumption. Passes energy information, including price signals, schedules, event messages,configuration, and security data from the utility to the PEV. This interface may or may not be facilitated by an AMI that includes a HAN.
Founded in 2000,the HomePlug Powerline Alliance, Inc., is the global leading open-standards-based organization developing interoperable powerline communications technologies and certifying powerline-based products. With 65 members and more than 4.5 million HomePlug-certified products shipped worldwide, the organization has developed HomePlug 1.0 and HomePlug AV, and continues to develop the HomePlug Command and Control and HomePlug BPL specifications for use in both to-the-home networking.
HomePlug powerline adapters are an alternative solution for having your house completely networked using existing power lines. The advanced HomePlug powerline adapter is capable of transmitting data at up to 200 Mbps channel data rate. The HomePlug powerline adapter delivers maximum range and speed for voice, Internet, video, and music throughout your home or office.SAE J2836-1 pdf free download.

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