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SAE J2867:2019 pdf free

SAE J2867:2019 pdf free.Laboratory Testing of Light-Duty Vehicle Electric Cooling Fan Assemblies for Airflow Performance
This document provides a recommended test procedure for measuring and comparing the performance of Electric Cooling Fan (ECF) assemblies for airflow performance over a range of pressure and speeds in a test environment that includes the intended heat exchangers, providing a laboratory simulation of as-installed performance. The resulting performance data are intended for predicting the cooling performance and fuel consumption of engines using these fans, and in comparing one fan versus another. The primary purpose of this Recommended Practice is to provide a standard test method such that airflow performance data can be accurately compared between ECF suppliers and OEMs, taking into consideration the different motor technologies and speed control methodology. The further purpose or rationale is that using different test setups and methods offers no competitive advantage, adding cost but not value.
In terms of usefulness of the data, there is one piece of data that differentiates ECF testing from airflow testing of fans using non-electric motor drive sources. The voltage and current are key inputs, just as the airflow and pressure are key outputs.If the motor is a brushless type, with digital speed control (PWM, LIN, etc.), the OEM may have a great interest in comparing airflow versus pressure at various PWM or LIN inputs. But, from an ECF test standpoint, the PWM or LIN input (at a given system voltage) is just a control means to provide voltage and current to the motor.
An airflow measurement structure with minimum length, width, and height of 200% of the largest dimension of the ECF shroud assembly which includes a suitable plenum chamber. A calibrated flow measurement nozzle (one with experimentally determined coefficient kn) should be coupled to this structure. The plenum chamber should preferably contain perforated “straightening” screens to dissipate jets of air and provide uniform air movement.SAE J2867 pdf free download.

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