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SAE J2945-5:2020 pdf free

SAE J2945-5:2020 pdf free.Service Specific Permissions and Security Guidelines for Connected Vehicle Applications
The mapping from a given SSP encoding to a set of permitted actions is part of the application specification and, as part of generating an application specification through a systems engineering process (SEP), the application specifiers are expected to provide a full specification of the syntax and semantics of the SSP for the application. The goal of this section of this document is to specify a methodology that can be used by application specifiers to develop the SSP syntax and semantics for their connected vehicle applications.
NOTE: The existence of a specific PSID/SSP that grants permission to send a particular APDU, and the existence of a valid certificate that includes that SSP, are not an absolute guarantee that all communciations from a device that owns that certificate will be correct. SSPs and certificates with those SSPs cannot prevent (intentional or accidental) misbehavior of devices, but can only serve to limit the scope or impact of that misbehavior. This does not in any way eliminate the need for misbehavior detection and the action of a misbehavior authority to deal with rogue devices sending bogus or misleading messages with valid certificates, but the creation of unique SSPs is a way to acknowledge that certain messages or classes of messages (e.g., BSM) have a lower (but still non-zero) potential for abuse or misuse than other messages or classes of messages (e.g., SPaT, or messages related to emergency vehicle actions), and it is desirable to restrict certificates that include the SSPs for more “dangerous” messages to a smaller set of devices intended for installation in RSUs, emergency vehicles, or other specialized vehicles.
As stated, the primary goal of this document is to assist design actors in creating the application permission related aspects of their application design via the specification of SSPs. The rest of this section provides a methodology for carrying out that design work. It is important to note, however, that SSPs only truly protect a receiver against a rogue sender if the enrollment requirements are also specified and rigorously enforced. The topic of enrollment requirements is out of scope for this document.SAE J2945-5 pdf free download.

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