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SAE J2962-1:2019 pdf free

SAE J2962-1:2019 pdf free.Communication Transceivers Qualification Requirements – LIN
Primary DUT and monitoring DUT shall be continuously powered and functional throughout the complete test sequence and pass/fail verification. Bus functionality is expected to be disrupted during the ESD discharges. This is acceptable.Communication shall recover without power cycling or resetting the DUTs once the ESD discharges are completed.Network load simulation box Jumper J1 shall be open for all discharges.
Network load simulation box Jumper J1 shall be closed for all measurements. Before- and after-test scope plots, with the highest speed that the transceiver is intended to be approved for use, must be provided with test results. Set the scope to 10 to 20 us/div horizontal and 2 V/div vertical. The plots must contain at least one dominant-to-recessive edge and one recessive-to-dominant edge. All after-test plots shall be compared with the plot taken before the test. The overlay of the before and after test plots shall not deviate by more than±10% of the nominal recessive voltage as shown in Figure 6.Primary DUT and Monitoring DUT shall be continuously powered and functional throughout the complete test sequence and pass/fail verification. Bus functionality is expected to be disrupted when using a 10 nF coupling capacitor during injection. This is acceptable. Communication shall recover without power cycling or resetting the DUTs once the DCC probes are removed.
The Network Load Simulation Box shall be connected or jumper J1 shall be closed for all measurements of the waveforms post-test. The 10 nF coupling capacitor shall be removed for all measurements of the waveforms post-test. Before and after test scope plots, with the bus speed at the highest speed that the transceiver is intended to be approved for use at, must be provided with test results. Set the scope to 10 to 20 us/div horizontal and 2 V/div vertical. The plots must contain at least one dominant to recessive edge and one recessive to dominant edge. All after test plots shall be compared with the plot taken before the test. The overlay of the before and after test plots shall not deviate by more than±10% of the nominal recessive voltage as shown in Figure 6.SAE J2962-1 pdf free download.

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