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SAE J2975:2020 pdf free

SAE J2975:2020 pdf free.Measurement of Copper and Other Elements in Brake Friction Materials
The morphology of the drillings is dependent on the plunge rate and drill spindle speed which is specified in section 4.15 while drilling. A plunge rate of less than 0.33 mm/sec is recommended (~15 sec to drill a 5mm deep hole) to achieve a consistent and uniform granular particulate. Slower plunge rates yield a more powdery consistency. A faster plunge rate yields a mixture of coarser turnings and granules which results in an unacceptable measurement variation of the chemical content. The different morphologies resulting from different plunge rates are shown in Figure 4.ferred Morphology
Either EPA Method 3050B (via hot block) or EPA Method 305 1A may be used for the digesting the friction material powder collected in 4.1. If analysis of antimony is desired, follow the optional digest listed in the EPA Method 3050B section 7.5 or EPA Method 3051A section 11.3.2.
Using the digested sample generated in section 4.2.1, perform an analysis for the desired chemical elements following EPA Method 6010C – Inductively Coupled Plasma – Atomic Emission Spectrometry or EPA Method 6020A – Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). Because of the complex and heterogeneous nature of brake friction materials, it is recommended that digestion and analysis for each pad be performed in triplicate (as a minimum) and the average value be reported. Percent Relative Standard Deviation (standard deviation measurements average 100) should be less than 20% for the triplicate measurements. Depending on the amount of specific components in the friction materials, additional dilutions during the analysis may be necessary.
If the sample spike recovery during EPA Method 3060A is below 80%, it may indicate the presence of common sulfide-based compounds or raw materials, such as antimony trisulfide, copper sulfide, molybdenum disulfide, metal alloys or others. Some of these materials and their reactions with other constituents may mask the total amount of hexavalent chromium present in the formulation. In this event, conduct tests in triplicate for hexavalent chromium on all the individual chromium-based raw materials as declared by the manufacturer.SAE J2975 pdf free download.

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