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SAE J3094:2019 pdf free

SAE J3094:2019 pdf free.Test Procedure for Internal Heat Exchangers of Mobile Air-Conditioning Systems with R-134a or R-1234yf Refrigerant
The IHX performance tests shall be performed at least with one test sample of the following three options:A, B, or C.
Option A: Standardized test sample for coaxial tube in tube IHX (see Figure 3). As an exception, a radius of R50 is allowed,if desired by the supplier. This deviation of the standard geometry shall be documented in the test report.
Option B: Standardized test sample for non-coaxial tube IHX (see Figure 4).
Option C: Non-standardized test sample for IHX plumbing configuration of a vehicle A/C line set assembly (production or production intent) (see Figure 5).
When using option C, the dimensions of the test sample (outer diameters, inner diameters, IHX center line length) and the location of the test points (TP) shall be documented in the test report. Depending on the IHX assembly configuration in a vehicle AIC line set, hoses and lines should be disassembled before testing. Figure 6 shows the addition of adapters to ensure correct pressure drop and temperature measurement with the IHX. Testing the entire A/C line assembly is also allowed with the understanding that additional line length and bends will reduce IHX effectiveness and increase pressure drop in comparison to other IHX only test samples. In this case, pressure and temperature points have to be placed 50 mm before inlet fttings, or after outlet fttings.
The pressure measurements shall be installed between the temperature sensors and the IHX line separator block (if applicable). The pressure sensor should be attached in the middle of the straight tube without reducing the diameter a recommended distance of at least 10 tube diameters, and minimum of 50 mm from any change in diameter, bend, or temperature sensors inside the pipe. To help prevent accumulation of compressor oil in the pressure sensing lines, the taps shall be orientated upwards. Deburring the holes is recommended to avoid additional turbulence in the measurement.SAE J3094 pdf free download.

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