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SAE J3107:2020 pdf free

SAE J3107:2020 pdf free.Vacuum Excavation and Sewer Cleaning Equipment – Safety Requirements
Access systems shall be provided on the equipment for daily/weekly/monthly maintenance points as indicated in the operator’ s manual, all operational controls, and any relevant access points or locations. The access system shall:
Minimize probability of a user being inadvertently restrained by devices such as protrusions, controls, steps, or handles catching or holding body appendages or user’s wearing apparel.
Minimize protrusions that could trip or increase severity of injury in case of a fall.
Provide smooth hand grasp surfaces.
Minimize probability of user contact with potential hazards such as extreme differentials in hot or cold, moving parts,electrical hazards, and sharp corners.
Be obvious as to proper usage without special training.
Permit and, by proper placement of components, promote achievement of three-point support while ascending or descending the access system when more than 1 m above the ground.
Have slip-resistant surfaces (including any device or structural component designed as part of an access system) where the access system is designed for walking, climbing, stepping, or crawling.
Equipment with components that can be raised higher than 3 m shall be provided with information and warnings to the user to maintain distance from overhead power lines in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations.
This safety sign shall be visible from the operator’s station and on the outside of the equipment warning of electrocution unless proper clearance to overhead power lines is maintained.
When equipment is intended to excavate in an area where buried electrical lines may be present, the following requirements apply:
●Instructions shall be provided in the manual to locate buried electrical utilities prior to ground engagement in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations.
●Instructions shall be provided to use and maintain suitable electrically-insulated boots and gloves.
● Dig tube, air, and water lance nozzle should be designed to minimize damage to insulation on electrical wires and other underground services.
An easily accessible or remotely controlled means of relieving suction shall be provided at the point of use when the force required to break the suction exceeds 222.5 N.
An emergency stop meeting the requirements of ISO 13850, stop category zero, to rapidly shut down the air, water, and vacuum systems, shall be provided near the operator s controls.SAE J3107 pdf free download.

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